
There are several options for installing drgn.


drgn depends on:

It optionally depends on:

The build requires:

Running tests requires:

Building from the Git repository (rather than a release tarball) additionally requires:


Package Manager

drgn can be installed using the package manager on some Linux distributions.

Packaging Status
  • Fedora >= 32

    $ sudo dnf install drgn
  • RHEL/CentOS >= 8

    Enable EPEL. Then:

    $ sudo dnf install drgn
  • Oracle Linux >= 8

    Enable the ol8_addons or ol9_addons repository and install drgn:

    $ sudo dnf config-manager --enable ol8_addons  # OR: ol9_addons
    $ sudo dnf install drgn

    Drgn is also available for Python versions in application streams. For example, use dnf install python3.12-drgn to install drgn for Python 3.12. See the documentation for drgn in Oracle Linux 9 and Oracle Linux 8 for more information.

  • Arch Linux

    $ sudo pacman -S drgn
  • Debian >= 12 (Bookworm)

    $ sudo apt install python3-drgn
  • Gentoo

    $ sudo emerge dev-debug/drgn
  • openSUSE

    $ sudo zypper install python3-drgn
  • Ubuntu

    Enable the michel-slm/kernel-utils PPA. Then:

    $ sudo apt install python3-drgn


If your Linux distribution doesn’t package the latest release of drgn, you can install it with pip.

First, install pip. Then, run:

$ sudo pip3 install drgn

This will install a binary wheel by default. If you get a build error, then pip wasn’t able to use the binary wheel. Install the dependencies listed below and try again.

Note that RHEL/CentOS 6, Debian Stretch, Ubuntu Trusty, and Ubuntu Xenial (and older) ship Python versions which are too old. Python 3.6 or newer must be installed.

From Source

To get the development version of drgn, you will need to build it from source. First, install dependencies:

  • Fedora

    $ sudo dnf install autoconf automake check-devel elfutils-devel gcc git libkdumpfile-devel libtool make pkgconf python3 python3-devel python3-pip python3-setuptools
  • RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux

    $ sudo dnf install autoconf automake check-devel elfutils-devel gcc git libtool make pkgconf python3 python3-devel python3-pip python3-setuptools

    Optionally, install libkdumpfile-devel from EPEL on RHEL/CentOS >= 8 or install libkdumpfile from source if you want support for the makedumpfile format. For Oracle Linux >= 7, libkdumpfile-devel can be installed directly from the corresponding addons repository (e.g. ol9_addons).

    Replace dnf with yum for RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux < 8.

    When building on RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux < 8, you may need to use a newer version of GCC, for example, using the devtoolset-12 developer toolset. Check your distribution’s documentation for information on installing and using these newer toolchains.

  • Debian/Ubuntu

    $ sudo apt install autoconf automake check gcc git liblzma-dev libelf-dev libdw-dev libtool make pkgconf python3 python3-dev python3-pip python3-setuptools zlib1g-dev

    Optionally, install libkdumpfile from source if you want support for the makedumpfile format.

  • Arch Linux

    $ sudo pacman -S --needed autoconf automake check gcc git libelf libkdumpfile libtool make pkgconf python python-pip python-setuptools
  • Gentoo

    $ sudo emerge --noreplace --oneshot dev-build/autoconf dev-build/automake dev-libs/check dev-libs/elfutils sys-devel/gcc dev-vcs/git dev-libs/libkdumpfile dev-build/libtool dev-build/make dev-python/pip virtual/pkgconfig dev-lang/python dev-python/setuptools
  • openSUSE

    $ sudo zypper install autoconf automake check-devel gcc git libdw-devel libelf-devel libkdumpfile-devel libtool make pkgconf python3 python3-devel python3-pip python3-setuptools

Then, run:

$ git clone
$ cd drgn
$ python3 build
$ sudo python3 install

Virtual Environment

The above options all install drgn globally. You can also install drgn in a virtual environment, either with pip:

$ python3 -m venv drgnenv
$ source drgnenv/bin/activate
(drgnenv) $ pip3 install drgn
(drgnenv) $ drgn --help

Or from source:

$ python3 -m venv drgnenv
$ source drgnenv/bin/activate
(drgnenv) $ python3 install
(drgnenv) $ drgn --help

Running Locally

If you build drgn from source, you can also run it without installing it:

$ python3 build_ext -i
$ python3 -m drgn --help